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Desi Dance Fitness Membership and Policies Overview

Payment and Billing:

1. Payment Due Dates: Membership fees are due at the beginning of each month or before attending the first class of the month. It’s important to ensure payments are made on time to maintain access to classes and avoid any interruptions in your membership benefits.

2. Late Payments: If payments are not received within five days of the due date, a late fee of $10 will be added to the outstanding balance. This fee helps manage the administrative costs associated with late payments and ensures timely payment from all members.

3. Autopay: By enrolling in a monthly membership, you agree to allow Desi Dance Fitness LLC to automatically charge the payment method you provide. This convenient option ensures you never miss a payment and allows for seamless continuation of your membership without manual payment each month.

Pause Membership:

- Members have the option to pause their membership for up to four weeks, twice a year, for reasons such as vacations or other personal matters. To utilize this option, members must inform Desi Dance Fitness before the billing month begins. This advance notice is necessary to adjust billing and ensure the pause is properly recorded in the system.

Cancellation Policy:

- Membership operates on a month-to-month basis, providing flexibility to members. If you wish to cancel your membership, you must notify Desi Dance Fitness before the start of the next billing month. If a member stops attending classes for three consecutive weeks without notifying the studio, their membership will automatically be considered canceled. To resume membership after such a cancellation, there will be an additional $15 onboarding fee.

Class Schedule and Cancellations:

1. Class Schedule: A schedule of classes will be provided at the beginning of each month. Members must sign up for classes in advance to ensure adequate space and resources are available.

2. Class Cancellations: If a class needs to be canceled by the studio, members will be notified at least 24 hours in advance. A makeup class will be scheduled to compensate for the missed session. This ensures that members can maintain their fitness routine without disruption.

Attendance and Conduct:

1. Attendance: Regular attendance is encouraged to maximize the benefits of the classes and improve learning experiences. Members are expected to arrive on time to avoid disrupting the class and to get the full benefit of the session.

2. Code of Conduct: Respectful behavior towards instructors and fellow members is mandatory. Any form of disruptive behavior can lead to immediate termination of membership without a refund. This policy ensures a positive and supportive environment for everyone.

3. Dress Code: Appropriate dance attire and footwear are required for all classes. This includes comfortable, non-restrictive clothing and suitable shoes to ensure safety and ease of movement.

Safety and Liability:

1. Health and Safety: Members should inform instructors of any injuries, medical conditions, or limitations that may affect their participation. It is crucial to listen to your body and avoid overexertion. Members should not attend classes if they are feeling unwell to protect the health of others.

2. Waiver of Liability: By participating in classes, members acknowledge the inherent risks associated with physical activity. Desi Dance Fitness is not responsible for any injuries sustained during classes or on the studio premises. Members agree to release the studio, its instructors, and staff from any liability related to personal injury, property damage, or loss.

Privacy Policy:

- Desi Dance Fitness is committed to protecting the privacy of its members. Personal information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with third parties without the member's consent. This includes data collected during registration, payment processes, and communication.

Photo and Video Release:

- The studio may take photos or videos during classes for promotional purposes. Members who do not wish to be photographed or filmed should inform the studio in advance to ensure their privacy is respected.


1. Physical Activity Warning: Desi Dance Fitness classes involve physical activity, which may include vigorous exercise. It is recommended that participants consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if they have pre-existing medical conditions.

2. Instructor Guidance: While instructors may offer guidance and modifications, they are not certified fitness professionals. Participants should exercise caution and avoid pushing beyond their limits. If any discomfort, pain, or unusual symptoms occur, they should stop exercising immediately and seek medical advice.

3. Assumption of Risk: Members acknowledge and accept the risks associated with physical activity, including the potential for injury. They agree to take full responsibility for their participation.

4. Personal Safety: Members are responsible for ensuring they have a safe environment for participating in classes, whether at home or in the studio. This includes having adequate space, proper lighting, and using appropriate footwear.

5. Hydration and Nutrition: Proper hydration and a balanced diet are essential to support physical activity. Members are encouraged to drink water before, during, and after classes and to eat healthily.

6. Modifications: Instructors may suggest modifications to accommodate different fitness levels and abilities. Members should choose the modifications that are appropriate for their needs and comfort levels.

7. Minors: Participants under the age of 18 must have parental or guardian consent to join the classes.

8. Updates and Changes: Desi Dance Fitness reserves the right to update these terms and conditions. Members will be notified of any significant changes.

Donation Waiver:

- Donations to Desi Dance Fitness are voluntary and do not imply any contractual agreement for goods or services unless explicitly stated. Donors release Desi Dance Fitness and its representatives from any liability related to their donation. It is the donor's responsibility to determine the tax deductibility of their contributions.

Privacy Statement:

1. Information Collected: Desi Dance Fitness collects personal information, payment details, and usage data to provide services, manage bookings, and improve the user experience.

2. Use of Information: The collected information is used for class registration, payment processing, communication with members, analytics, and marketing (with consent).

3. Data Sharing: Personal information is not sold or rented. It may be shared with third-party service providers for operational purposes or as required by law.

4. Data Security: The studio implements measures to protect data, though no system is completely secure.

5. Cookies and Tracking: Cookies are used on the website to enhance user experience and collect information about usage patterns.

6. Your Choices: Members have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information and can opt out of marketing communications.

7. Changes to Privacy Statement: The Privacy Statement may be updated, and changes will be communicated to members.

Contact Information:

For any questions, concerns, or to exercise your rights under these policies, members can contact Desi Dance Fitness at


Desi Dance Fitness strives to provide a safe, enjoyable, and supportive environment for all members. By adhering to these policies and guidelines, members can make the most of their dance fitness experience while ensuring their safety and the respect of others.